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Thursday 19 September 2013

I wished I looked like....... (Nah I don't!)

19th September 2013
As long as you are worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them.  Only when you require no approval from outside yourself can you own yourself.  Neale Donald Walsch.
Do you ever look at another woman and think “wow she’s beautiful”, would it surprise you to think that women might not think that way about herself!  I’m often stunned when I find out that some women don’t realise not only how beautiful and gorgeous they are but that they have the personality to match, instead they’re doubting themselves and not feeling the self love  at all! 
I’m not talking about that big headed level of pretty, where they know it and they flaunt it and it actually makes them unattractive, I’m talking that all round gorgeous that so many woman (and men) I know are, it’s not just looks, its personality, it’s the very aura of the person that makes them attractive.
So how do you get someone to see what you see?  Mmm, I’m not sure!  I suppose you don’t other than tell them they are and hope one day they realise it too.
I think we all have moments when we don’t feel good enough!  We don’t feel as pretty as…. We don’t feel as good as…… We’re just not good enough…..
I guess we wouldn’t be normal if we didn’t doubt our abilities sometimes or have the odd crisis of confidence, I know I’ve had a mini wobble the last few days in my ability as a Weight Watcher leader.  Anyone who’s 100% confident, 100% of the time is probably a little bit conceited, or just super brilliant!  So yeah it’s normal to have moments, but it’s not good to have them all the time and have such low self esteem, if it’s a continued thing then work on it, work on your self esteem, start trying to see what others see, because it’s there.
I’m at the stage in my life where I believe my inner beauty and gorgeousness shines through so much, that my physical form isn’t so important, mmm, should I get over that train of thought and go get my hair done, there are a lot of grey roots coming through and I just keep thinking, ‘nah it don’t matter, no on really cares!”  I initially cancelled the appointment because of my neck and now I’m just being lazy and/or tight ;-)
I might not be very vain but I do want to be healthy which is why I’m still on track and filling in my journal, come December, I don’t to be the one ending the year thinking “I should have” – I want to be the one shouting “I’m so glad I did!”  Don’t you?
Served 4, 11pp per serving, £5.33 to make (used Sainsbury's extra lean beef mince)

Yesterday I made lasagne using the Dolmio kit, it was delicious and that’s from someone who can take or leave lasagne, I’ll be freezing the other portions for future weeks when I’m in a rush.  I also put the slow cooker on with beef casserole meat, carrots, onions, slices of potato and oxo’s and that wasn’t bad either, had a bowl for tea, then thickened up the rest with a bit of gravy granules (the cheap own branded ones, only about 20p a tub) the entire crockpot was 46pp with the granules, that’s only 8pp for 6 good sized portions.  I didn’t measure last nights bowl but I’ll split the rest up into tubs, need to buy some as everyone else seems to have my tubs and I have none left!
Well the whole house has woke up early this morning, moms already had her tablets and toast, Alfie was howling at the moon at 5.15am (neighbours love us for that I bet!) and I got up just before 5.  Busy day as always on a Thursday, but my meals are cooked so that’s one less thing to think about, yes it’s the same food as yesterday but when it’s good food, I don’t mind, and you can’t beat a glass of red with a bowl of beef stew on a Thursday night after working all day.
Will the sunshine today?  Let’s hope so, either way, smile, eat gorgeous and BeYOUtiful. Xx
BElieve in

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