
Beverley has prepared the content of Bev's World irresponsibly and carelessly. She therefore disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, originality or completeness of the drivel presented on this blog or on other linked websites or on any subsequent links. She vehemently denies that the information may be relied upon for any reason. Beverley shall not be liable for inflicting laughter, shame, disgust, torrents of tears and the eventual desiccation or crashing boredom on readers.

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Thursday 15 March 2012

Help yourself but not to seconds!

15th March 2012

What’s important is not necessarily where you are, but in what direction you are going. Oliver Wendel Holmes.

Congrats to Lynn on achieving her 50lb certificate and to Kerry for getting to goal, I don’t always mention the successes in the meetings on my blog but trust me they’re always occurring. 
It looks like Spring has sprung, which means it’s a greattime for a bit of a spring clean, whether that be your house, your kitchen cupboards, your wardrobe or your mind, a good old clear out can do you the world of good. Getting rid of things can be very therapeutic, I plan to do some myself this weekend, and once more I shall attack my office and bedroom! 
If you’re not up for being quite that energetic, how about clearing a bit of mental clutter, giving your mind a bit of a spring clean.  Firstly, let’s start by getting rid of the word “WHY?” Stop asking the question ‘Why’, it’s the biggest word baddie of them all, when used negatively, as in ‘why me?’, instead try thinking ‘why not me?’ then make the necessary changes to ensure it doesn’t keep happening.  You’re the one that’s in charge of who you are, where you’re going and what you want, so decide right now to make life happen how you want to.

We all get faced with problems, the secret to success is to turn those problems into challenges!

To illustrate this, I’ve found another story for you;

The Day the Bull Stood in the Road

One day I was standind on a road.  This road is know by many names: Life, Growth, Achievement, Faith, Happiness… I was just standing there, looking at something on the road up ahead.  The think I saw was a huge, mean-looking bull.  And this bull was blocking my path.  I knew that to keep moving ahead I was going to have to get past that bull.  It scared me just to think about it.  For a long, long time I stood still, looking at the bull, hoping and praying it would somehow move from my path so I could continue along the road.  However, nothing changed, except that I heard a distant voice whisper, “Do whatever it is you have to do in order to continue along the journey.”

That was the day I decided to take a deep breath, gather all the strength I could muster, and take the bull by the horns.  I knew that in so doing I would have to accept whatever consequences followed – good, bad, or indifferent.  Having decided to be completely responsible for whatever happened to me, I set aside my doubts and fears and marched right up to that bull, grabbed those horns, and said, “All right, bull!  You’ve got to get out of my way or fight with me – which will it be?”

Well, you’ll never believe what happened next!  That crazy bull sat down right on the road, sighed and spoke to me.  “What took you so long getting here?” he asked.  “I’ve been standing here waiting to offer you a ride.  Hop up on my back and show me where it is you want to go.”

What was thought to be an insurmountable problem turned out to be a blessing instead.  All that I needed was the courage to discover the blessing. 

Remember the best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm.

So today go help yourself – and I don’t mean to seconds at dinner!

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